Let’s make a fantastic podcast together.
1:1 Coaching Session (60 minutes)
Ask me your top 3 questions OR choose one topic you’d most like to focus on:
Is podcasting right for you? Let’s talk about realistic expectations.
Choose the perfect tools for starting out
Your show doesn’t sound like the pros. Let’s get you there.
Been at it a while? Let’s smooth out your workflow and get rid of the fluff.
How do we keep you podcasting? Let’s work on your biggest pain points.
What’s the WHY behind your work? Let’s work on your mission and vision.
Interviewing skills: let’s practice.
Patreon: let your community come alongside you and your mission.
You’ll take home a recording of your session so you can re-listen and make sure you didn’t miss a gem!
1:1 Coaching & Mentorship Package
A three-month program
Two sixty-minute calls each month
Voxer and email access to me in between scheduled calls
Accelerate your podcast growth. Use my years of podcasting expertise, tech skills, and organizational expertise as your own.
Focus! I only take two mentorship students at a time. You’ll have my attention when you need it.
Recordings of every call and copies of any notes I’ve made while we chat.